Joe Catalano has been involved with Promises for Purple since 2011. From interviewing some of our committee members on QATV, to emceeing the walk every year, we truly appreciate his endless support and communal contribution!
I always believed that knowledge is power and that people can do amazing things if they are provided the information, inspiration, and motivation to succeed. Claire Muollo provided those incentives when she started Promises for Purple at the urging of her sons, and in doing so, has created a whole new community of people striving to accomplish a treatment, and perhaps, one day, an end to pancreatic cancer.
Claire took the initiative to reach out to me back in 2011 to help get her message across to the community and so touched me with her courage and commitment that I felt it right to work to continue her legacy. It is often said that volunteers get more than they give. This has certainly been my experience in participating in the Promises for Purple Walk every year and in getting to know and respect Claire, and her amazing family and friends.
I encourage everyone to step out of their comfort zone, take a chance to dedicate yourself to a cause you believe in, and take the time to leave the world a little better than you found it. It can be as simple as donating to a worthy charity, becoming part of an existing team of volunteers, or starting your own team. I can tell you that the small investment of time and energy you make will reap huge rewards that will enrich your life and the lives of everyone you touch.
We hope to see you at this year's 6th annual walk on Sunday November 6!
Post By: Joe Catalano, QATV